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< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Blanar: It Will Take Months for Fico to Return Back to Work

Dánsky minister zahraničných vecí Lars Lökke Rasmussen (vľavo) sa rozpráva so šéfom slovenskej diplomacie Jurajom Blanárom (Smer-SD) (uprostred) počas neformálneho stretnutia ministrov zahraničných vecí krajín NATO v Černínskom paláci v Prahe 31. mája 2024. Foto: TASR/AP

Blanar informed his counterparts from NATO countries about the condition of Fico at their meeting in Prague on Thursday (May 30) and Friday.

Bratislava/Prague, May 31 (TASR-correspondent) - It will take several months of recuperation for Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) to return back to his work in the wake of the attempt on his life, chief of Slovak diplomacy Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) stated on Friday.

Blanar informed his counterparts from NATO countries about the condition of Fico at their meeting in Prague on Thursday (May 30) and Friday.

TASR learnt the news from its special correspondent in Prague.

NATO foreign ministers expressed solidarity with Fico, for which Blanar thanked them. "At the same time, seeing as they were very curious about the condition of the Prime Minister, I informed them that his health is thankfully improving, but it will still take several months for him to return to work fully," said the minister.

Earlier on Friday, the F.D. Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica confirmed that the Prime Minister has been released into home care and due to begin his rehabilitation, a process bound to be physically demanding and long.