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< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

KDH: Attack on Prime Minister Is Attack on Slovak Statehood and Sovere

Na snímke predseda KDH Milan Majerský na tlačovej konferencii po zasadnutí celoslovenskej rady KDH vo Zvolene 17. februára 2024. Foto: TASR - Lukáš Mužla

The attack on the prime minister is an attack on Slovak statehood and sovereignty, Christian Democrats (KDH) leader Milan Majersky posted on a social network on Wednesday.

Bratislava, May 15 (TASR) - The attack on the prime minister is an attack on Slovak statehood and sovereignty, Christian Democrats (KDH) leader Milan Majersky posted on a social network on Wednesday.

The party condemned the attack and wished Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) a speedy recovery.

"We are appalled by the attack on the prime minister of the Slovak Republic. We cannot tolerate such actions against anyone in a civilised society. We must all unite against any manifestations of violence," said Majersky, adding that currently everything should be done to calm down society. "We clearly condemn aggression, violence and attacks on politicians, as well as other public officials," he added.