Spravodajský portál Tlačovej agentúry Slovenskej republiky
Piatok 18. október 2024Meniny má Lukáš
Na snímke pohľad do rokovacej sály Národnej rady SR počas mimoriadnej 13. schôdze Národnej rady SR, ktorej hlavným bodom je návrh skupiny poslancov NR SR na vyslovenie nedôvery členke vlády SR a ministerke zdravotníctva SR Zuzane Dolinkovej (Hlas-SD) 9. mája 2024 v Bratislave. Foto: TASR - Pavol Zachar

Parliament in response to Wednesday's attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) has bolstered security measures in the building and adopted a number of measures to increase the protection of MPs.

Bratislava, May 15 (TASR) - Parliament in response to Wednesday's attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) has bolstered security measures in the building and adopted a number of measures to increase the protection of MPs, TASR learnt on the same day.

Meanwhile, the ongoing House session has been suspended until next week.

At the same time, visits to the building of Parliament have been suspended until further notice.