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< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Simecka Urges Sutaj Estok to Answer Shooting-related Questions

Na archívnej snímke podpredseda NR SR Michal Šimečka (PS). Foto: TASR - Martin Baumann

PS also rejects the effort of Voice-SD and Smer-SD ministers to blame the opposition and media for the assault.

Bratislava, May 29 (TASR) - Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader Michal Simecka called on Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) to answer several questions that have been left unanswered two weeks since the attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) life, namely whether there was any failure on the part of security forces, how did the leak of the Premier's medical report occur and who will bear responsibility for the assault, TASR learnt on Wednesday.

"I urge the Interior Minister to answer these questions as soon as possible. Otherwise, we'll need to take relevant steps at June's parliamentary session accordingly," underlined Simecka.

PS expects the Interior Minister to answer whether Fico's bodyguards failed in their duties, how did Fico's medical report as well as a recording of an interview with the shooter get leaked and, the most important question of all, who will bear responsibility over these lapses.

PS also rejects the effort of Voice-SD and Smer-SD ministers to blame the opposition and media for the assault. Simecka claimed that with its expertise-based politics and polite language, PS contributed the least of all to the highly-polarised and hateful climate prevailing in society. "We proposed 100 days for the calming down of the situation. Instead, the coalition continues to stir passions against the opposition, the media and hundreds of thousands of our voters," added Simecka.