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Nedela 8. september 2024Meniny má Miriama

News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Regular Government Session Scheduled for Next Wednesday

At the same time, the office stated that government activities are running in a standard way and that ministers are acting within the powers entrusted to them.

Premier Fico Undergoes Another Operation, Now Conscious

Kalinak added that the country hasn't come to a standstill in any way and that all procedures are continuing.,aktualizované 

'Slovakia' and For the People to Attend Meeting at Presidential Palace

MPs of the two caucuses have called on both the public and politicians not to misuse the tense situation in order to spread hatred and to reject any form of violence.

Premier Fico Still in Intensive Care

In this connection, the Government Office again asked the media, politicians and the public to base their opinions on officially communicated information and to verify the facts.,aktualizované 

Spain's King Calls Caputova to Express Support for Slovakia

At the same time, the Spanish monarch wished Fico a speedy recovery and expressed his hope that the situation in Slovakia will calm down as soon as possible.

Leaders from All over World Express Their Solidarity to Slovak Premier

The Foreign Ministry has so far received numerous personal, telephone and written expressions of sincere solidarity with the Slovak prime minister from 77 countries around the world.

Slovak and Czech Trade Unions Jointly Condemn Attack on Fico

Such manifestations ruin the stability of the state, and foment chaos and hatred in society, and splits in opinions and attitudes, they stressed.

Solak: Number of Hybrid Threats on Internet Goes Up

Police officers supervise the security of all MPs practically throughout Slovakia. Monitoring has also been increased in the vicinity of television stations and daily newspapers.

Hrabko: If Shooter Was Deliberately Radicalised, Police Will Find Out

Hrabko pointed out that the entire society, which has gone through parliamentary and presidential elections in quick succession, is polarised.

'Republic' Party Ready to Help Gov't Defuse Tensions in Society

Uhrik called Wednesday's shooting of Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) a watershed moment in the history of Slovakia.

PG's Serious Crime Department to Oversee Prosecution of Shooting

Once the situation allows, we will, of course, inform the public in more detail, added Drobova.

SIS Condemns Attack on Premier, Urges Not to Spread Conspiracies

Stated the secret service, adding that as soon as the situation permits, it will inform the public in more detail.

Pellegrini: Fico Still in Serious State, I've Just Talked to Him

The President-elect thanked medical personnel and management of the F.D. Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica, too.

Nitra Governor Threatened with Shooting, Files Criminal Complaint

Nitra region governor Branislav Becík is also an MP and the leader of the Voice-SD slate for the European Parliament elections.

Business Associations Condemn Shooting of Robert Fico

The Employer Union Association (AZZZ) called the attack an inexcusable act of violence.

Orban: Following Attempt on Fico's Life, We Must Fight for Peace Alone

TASR learnt the news from its special correspondent in Budapest.

Smer-SD and Voice-SD to Tone Down Their Activities in EP Campaign

Sutaj Estok also confirmed the toning down of campaign activities in Voice-SD.


Protection of all high-risk groups of people will be strengthened, said Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) following a special session held by the Security Council on Thursday. ,aktualizované 

Kalinak Supports Talks Between Parties

Kalinak has already talked with Caputova and Pellegirni.

SNS Wants Media to Disable Anonymous Comments

Spokerperson added that people who commit crimes in the comments sections must be held criminally liable.

Kalinak:Powers of Other Gov't Members Sufficient to Run State Smoothly

If we encounter a problem where either the law or the Constitution gets in the way, we'll address it rather quickly, declared Kalinak.

Sutaj Estok: Police Press Charges against Shooter Who Attacked Fico

The police have pressed charges against the man who caused serious injuries to Prime Minister Robert Fico with multiple gunshots on Wednesday (May 15).,aktualizované 

KDH Welcomes Caputova's and Pellegrini's Efforts for Reconciliation

At the same time, Majersky claimed that the movement has suspended all its major campaign events concerning the upcoming European Parliament elections.

SaS Suspends European Election Campaign

SaS reiterated its condemnation of the attack on Prime Minister Fico in the town of Handlova.

Kalinak: Premier's Condition Still Serious, Life Not Out of Danger

Kalinak said that the extent of the injuries caused by four gunshot wounds is extensive. Doctors managed to stabilise Fico's condition, but his life isn't out of danger yet, added the vice-premier. ,aktualizované 

PS Leader Simecka Praises Caputova's and Pellegrini's Joint Call

The PS leader claimed that his party has suspended its European Parliament election campaign in response to the attack on Fico.

Kalinak Calls on Media to Avoid Confrontational Debates

Speaking after a session of the Slovak Security Council and the government on Thursday, Kalinak called for a mutual return to tolerance.

Caputova and Pellegrini to Invite Heads of Parties to Palace

Fico was shot following the government's away-from-home session in Handlova on Wednesday (May 15). ,aktualizované 

Pellegrini Calls on Political Parties to Tone Down Campaigning

Confrontation and mutual accusations among politicians is the last thing the country needs at the moment, stated Pellegrini.

Government to Deliberate on Who Should Stand In for Fico

Kamenicky noted in regards to the current situation in society that everything should be done to ensure that not only constitutional officials but also all ordinary people feel safe.


A hospital representative added that two surgery teams operated on the premier for five hours. He is now being treated in the ARO (Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation) ward. ,aktualizované 

Security Council and Government to Hold Special Sessions on Thursday

Fico on Wednesday was the target of an assassination in the town of Handlova, where the government had held an away-from-home session.


At the same time, the minister added that he'll call for the convening of a special session of the Security Council.,aktualizované 


Fico was shot following the government away-from-home session in Handlova on Wednesday.,aktualizované 

French President Macron Strongly Condemns Attack on Fico

Fico was shot following the government away-from-home session in Handlova.

Biden: Attack on Fico Horrific Act of Violence

According to the president, the US Embassy in Bratislava is in close touch with the Slovak government and is ready to assist.