Verstappen zvíťazil na VC Kataru pred Leclercom a Piastrim
KK76 Lúsajl - Holandský pilot F1 Max Verstappen (uprostred) z Red Bullu oslavuje víťazstvo na Veľkej cene Kataru v Lúsajl v nedeľu 1. decembra 2024. Druhý skončil Monačan Charles Leclerc (vľavo) na Ferrari, tretí finišoval Austrálčan Oscar Piastri na McLarene. FOTO TASR/AP
From the left, second-aced Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc of Monaco, first-placed Red Bull driver Max Verstappen of the Netherlands, and third-placed McLaren driver Oscar Piastri of Australia stand on the podium during the Qatar Formula One Grand Prix at the Lusail International Circuit in Lusail, Qatar, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)