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Groehling Views Agreement on Resolution as Step Towards New...

Na snímke predseda strany Sloboda a solidarita (SaS) Branislav Gröhling. Foto: TASR - Jakub Kotian

Groehling Views Agreement on Resolution as Step Towards New Political Culture

Bratislava, May 21 (TASR) - Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party leader Branislav Groehling praised the fact that the parliamentary coalition and opposition have agreed on the adoption of a resolution condemning last week's assassination attempt on Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD).

Groehling also highlighted the coalition's will to agree on an amending proposal. He said that the debate at the parliamentary gremium meeting on Tuesday morning was peaceful, with words of mutual apology being voiced as well. He sees it as a step towards a new political culture.

"The whole debate within the gremium meeting was calm and constructive," stated Groehling. He believes that from now on, the House will function in a decent manner and without pointless quarrels. He praised the fact that the coalition and opposition were able to unite and agree on the adoption of the parliamentary resolution despite a failed attempt by President Zuzana Caputova and her successor Peter Pellegrini to organise a round table with the parliamentary parties in attendance.

The SaS leader views the return of MPs to Parliament positively. "Parliament as a law-making body must function," he said, adding that the debate on bills in Parliament can be held in a matter-of-fact, constructive and at the same time critical manner. "This period has taught us that we'll probably consider some of our words a bit more," stated Groehling.