Spravodajský portál Tlačovej agentúry Slovenskej republiky
Piatok 18. október 2024Meniny má Lukáš
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Sutaj Estok Announces Bill to Bolster Protection and Security

Na snímke zľava vicepremiér a minister obrany SR Robert Kaliňák (Smer-SD), riaditeľ Vojenského spravodajstva generálmajor Juraj Štefanka, námestník riaditeľa SIS poverený výkonom právomocí riaditeľa SIS Pavol Gašpar, policajný prezident Ľubomír Solák a minister vnútra SR Matúš Šutaj Eštok (Hlas-SD) počas tlačovej konferencie po mimoriadnom zasadnutí Bezpečnostnej rady SR v Bratislave 22. mája 2024. Foto: TASR Jaroslav Novák

Parliament is slated to deliberate on this at an emergency session, with Vice-premier Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) adding that the first drafts will be discussed by the State Security Council next week.

Bratislava, May 22 (TASR) - A bill aimed at bolstering the protection of constitutional officials and the state will be submitted in the near future, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) announced after a session of the State Security Council on Wednesday.

Parliament is slated to deliberate on this at an emergency session, with Vice-premier Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) adding that the first drafts will be discussed by the State Security Council next week.

"The bill will contain a package of legislative and technical measures," claimed Sutaj Estok, adding that the priority is to guarantee the safety and security of the Slovak people.

A working group headed by the Government Office will collect proposals from individual ministries, with Sutaj Estok adding that the databases of all security forces will be linked together again. "This was cancelled under the previous government for some inexplicable reason," he stated.