He understands the call given the current situation in society and the need to de-escalate tension.
At the same time, the office stated that government activities are running in a standard way and that ministers are acting within the powers entrusted to them.
Dodal, že o tom ešte nemal možnosť komunikovať ani s premiérom.
Úradu vlády SR uistil zároveň, že činnosť vlády SR prebieha štandardným spôsobom a ministri konajú v rámci svojich zverených kompetencií.
Kalinak has already talked with Caputova and Pellegirni.
If we encounter a problem where either the law or the Constitution gets in the way, we'll address it rather quickly, declared Kalinak.
Kalinak said that the extent of the injuries caused by four gunshot wounds is extensive. Doctors managed to stabilise Fico's condition, but his life isn't out of danger yet, added the vice-premier. ,aktualizované
Speaking after a session of the Slovak Security Council and the government on Thursday, Kalinak called for a mutual return to tolerance.
Kamenický dodal, že v súvislosti s aktuálnou spoločenskou situáciou je podľa neho potrebné urobiť všetko pre to, aby sa nielen ústavní činitelia, ale aj všetci ľudia cítili na Slovensku bezpečne.,aktualizované
Kamenicky noted in regards to the current situation in society that everything should be done to ensure that not only constitutional officials but also all ordinary people feel safe.